WANT to remove the saturation of the working atmosphere in the office routine, come on holiday to Lampung. Here you can relax and eliminate tension for a moment. Various natural tourism potential, ranging from a beautiful beach, a mysterious mountain until the elephants playing football will make a fresh mind. Fresh new atmosphere will accompany you back to your home or office ... "
Promotion of the above sentence was not merely lip service. Call it might be very appropriate to describe the real potential of tourism in Lampung. Region located at the southern tip of Sumatra was indeed very relies on natural attractions, from beaches, mountains, until the elephant is skillfully beratraksi ranging from ball games, dance disco, rock dangdut until the elephant riding and workers.
"The peculiarity of Lampung tourism is made of superior natural attractions and special interests. Some of them like Mount Anak Krakatau, Elephant Training Center (ETC) Way Kambas, Belantung Merak Beach and White Sands."
To reach the top attractions is not difficult. To Way Kambas to see the elephants tame and smart play ball as well as acrobatics, and we can directly interact with the elephants are trained elephants for example, is adequate transportation network. Way Kambas is located 135 km north of Bandarlampung, can achieve a two-hour public bus journey.
Towards Krakatau in the Sunda Strait area is also not difficult. To view the volcano's activity, from Bandarlampung Kalianda must walk into town (85 km). From the capital city of this South Lampung regency travel to Canti Beach (25 km) located to the southwest Kalianda. Simply rent a speed boat (capacity 20 people), an average of Rp 200,000 to Rp 250,000, travelers are free all day watching the activity of Mount Anak Krakatau.
In addition to the two flagship attractions, the latest inventory Lampung Tourism Office noted approximately 45 highly potential tourist objects that can be sold to the tourists who are spread in five regencies in Lampung, such as beaches, mountains, waterfalls, rivers for rafting and others.
Observing the figure of world tourism in the province of Lampung is like looking like a rainbow in the sky. Various color is very beautiful and exciting. But, if pursued carefully abstruse untouched beauty.
True, such a huge tourist asset in Lampung has yet to be addressed. Developing the tourist potential of this area naturally. In fact, if handled seriously by the provision of basic infrastructure and facilities, the asset would be able to become one of the leaders in supporting economic and regional growth.
Head of Tourism Department of Lampung Idrus Djaendar Young in the book inventory of data objects and the tourism industry in Lampung (1993), of 45 objects of nature tourism, cultural and special interest that has been recorded only 21 objects that have been developed and is often colored the campaign tour of this area.
Among the 21 objects that the underdog is the nautical tourism to Mount Krakatau in the Sunda Strait and Coastal Belantung Peacock (South Lampung), White Sand Beach in Long (Municipality Bandarlampung), Archaeological Sites in Jabung and Elephant Training Center (LPG) Way Kambas (Lampung middle), Dam Way Rarem in Bukit Kemuning (North Lampung) and many other interesting objects, which are located five Dati II in Lampung.
In terms of tourism assets, there is no doubt Lampung province is very rich. In addition to the already developed, the remaining approximately 24 other tourist attraction which still experience also scattered throughout / around the area of Lampung. Maybe too much if it revealed details of the assets one by one. But, some concrete examples of apparently inappropriate revealed. For example, marine tourism assets Sebesi Island and Sebuku Island, two islands in the South Lampung could support tourism to Mount Krakatoa, Waterfall Gangse (North Lampung), and dozens more.
"Conditions today Lampung tourism sector faces various constraints. Not just limited promotion, and also because of the lack of investors who manage a variety of tourism assets of this region. The firm can be said of Lampung tourism sector now it still needs to treatment from all sides," said Suprijadi.
IN the national tourism sector development framework, Lampung Province in fact has been confirmed as a tourist destination (DTW) to-18. With the condition, said Suprijadi, actually this area is very likely spur growth in the tourism sector. Moreover, geographically as the area supporting Jakarta, Lampung has direct access to the Mother City, which is also one of the entrance of foreign tourists.
Besides, the supporting infrastructure is considered adequate. In terms of accommodation, for example, Lampung has a four-star hotel with 375 rooms while the hotel's capacity reaches 80 nonbintang more with over 1000 beds. Supporting infrastructures such as travel agencies also grew mushroomed. "In terms of Lampung was really no problem."
Although still faced with various problems that very dilemma, Lampung tourism sector growth was pretty good. This became evident from the number of tourists (both domestic and foreign) in the last two years. In 1994, there were 349 809 tourists visiting the Lampung.
The largest number in that year's domestic tourists reached 331 337 people. While foreign tourists is only 18 472 people. This figure increased by about 10.84 per cent since the 1993 only 319 729 people carrying tourists who come here.
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